The Herpes virus – HSV I, the one responsible for cold sores – is the most widespread virus in the world and 85% of the population carry it.
Should you be worried?
Thankfully, not really. Most people don’t even realise they have this virus and don’t suffer from cold sores or from the other symptoms normally associated with outbreaks.
Even if you don’t suffer from visible symptoms, you can get tested to find out if you carry the virus. This is determined through a blood test, examining whether you have antibodies that, though they can’t kill the Herpes Simplex virus, are able to counteract its effects.
Unfortunately 33% of the population regularly suffer from cold sore outbreaks and according to current scientific knowledge, a cure has not yet been found.
The Good News
However, unlike other cold sore products that merely treat your lips when the symptoms have already broken out, lipivir® can help prevent the unsightly blisters from appearing in the first place.
So if you’re lucky enough not to suffer from the virus, but have a friend that does, point them in the direction of lipivir® for relief!